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Na prodaju plac površine 9890m2, smješten u Gornjem Zaljevu, iznad magistralnog puta prema Ulcinju, na svega 2,5 km od centra grada. Zemljište je idealno za gradnju, s prirodnim nagibom koji omogućava izgradnju kaskadnih objekata. Oko 30% placa pruža predivan pogled na grad, dok ostatak omogućava potpunu privatnost i diskreciju, udaljen od gradske gužve. Plac je lako dostupan sa dva asfaltirana puta, a voda i struja dovedeni su do same parcele. Na donjem dijelu zemljišta prolazi izvorska voda cijelom dužinom, što je dodatna prednost. Takođe, na zemljištu se nalazi i 5-6 stabala starih maslina, što dodatno povećava njegovu atraktivnost. Zemljište nema nikakvih ograničenja ili zabrana za gradnju, što pruža mnoge mogućnosti za dalji razvoj. Lokacija je izuzetna, 400 metara od Stare Masline, ali s blizinom svih potrebnih sadržaja. Idealno za gradnju privatne kuće, vikendice ili investicijske projekte.
Za sve ostale informacije ili dogovor za razgledanje zemljišta možete nas kontaktirati putem Viber-a ili WhatsApp-a +38269764698
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 325943
- Published: 10.01.2025
- Updated: 10.01.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: BLUE SKY PROPERTIES
- Neighborhood: Zaljevo
- Price: 95,000€
- Square footage: 9,890m²
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Zaljevo, Bar, Crna Gora
The geographical position of the city is between the Adriatic Sea and Skadar Lake. With 270 sunny days a year, Bar is one of the sunniest cities in Europe. It is surrounded by high mountains Rumija, Sutorman and Lisinj. Due to the ideal sea temperature which reaches 26 degrees during hot days, long and warm summers, and beaches with a total length of 9km, Bar is one of the main tourist destinations in Montenegro. The old part of Bar mentioned in documents from the IX century with its beautiful panorama of the whole city and an unforgettable sea view is one of the many tourist attractions of the Bar municipality. At the entrance to the old town is the oldest olive tree in the world, between 2000 and 2500 years old. Of the numerous events that take place in Bar, the biggest are: days of wine and bleak, Bar Chronicle, olive grove, bone festival and meetings under the old olive tree. Going west you come to the small town of Sutomore located along a long beautiful sandy beach with a number of hotels, restaurants and cafes.