Land Lot for Sale, 800m2, Ovča, Palilula, Beograd
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Prodaje se plac na 100 metara od Ovcanskog puta, u blizini bazena T6 Limited.
Plac ima prikljucak na vodovodnu mrezu, bunar, struju, asfaltiran put. Ima informaciju o lokaciji.
Na gradjevinskoj parceli dozvoljena je izgradnje jednog stambenog objekta i jednog pomocnog u okviru dozvoljenih parametara. Maksimalni broj stambenih jedinica u objektu je 4.
Maksimalni indeks zauzetosti je 30%, maksimalna zauzetost parcele podzemnom garazom ili drugim podzemnim namenama je 60%.
Maksimalna visina venca objekta je 8,5 m, u odnosu na nultu kotu.
ID oglasa: 42674.Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 340612
- Published: 15.02.2025
- Updated: 15.02.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Primat Nekretnine
- Neighborhood: Ovča
- Price: 48,000€
- Square footage: 800m²
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Ovča, Palilula Sve Podlokacije, Beograd, Srbija
Palilula is a city settlement with about 170,000 citizens. It got its name because during the Turkish rule, smoking was banned due to the danger of fire, and that is why the inhabitants went outside the city walls on the site of today's municipality to "light a pipe". In the middle of the settlement passes the river Danube, which divides it into two parts: on the left are Borča, Kotež and Krnjača and on the right is Karaburma. Today, Palilula is a settlement with great economic potential, in which almost all economic branches are represented. If you want an apartment on the banks of the most beautiful European river, to walk around the historic district next to the old craft workshops, you are in the right place - Palilula.