Two Bedroom Apartment for Sale, 54m2, Savski Venac, Beograd
Savski Venac, Beograd, Srbija
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Stan je uknjižen 1/1 i moguća je kupovina na kredit.
Kompletno je renoviran pre 4 godine, vodovodne i elektro instalacije, kupatilo i kuhinja, pvc stolarija, hoblovan parket. Izvorno je dvoiposoban i po potrebi uz adaptaciju moguće ga je vratiti u prvobitnu strukturu.
Stan ima prostrani dnevni boravak iz koga se izlazi na terasu sa pogledom na prelep vrt, malu mirnu oazu samo nekoliko ulica udaljenu od Slavije i 5 minuta peške od Beograda na vodi. Ceo stan je orijentisan dvorišno tako da je jako tiho i mirno. Ima odvojenu kuhinju sa trpezarijom iz koje se takođe može izaći na terasu, veoma prostranu spavaću sobu i kupatilo.
Sunčan i svetao tokom celog dana. Grejanje centralno, zgrada poseduje lift.
Prodaje se sa kompletnim nameštajem.
Odlična ponuda, zakažite svoj termin za razgledanje
Agencijska provizija 2% od kupoprodajne cene.
ID oglasa: 43018.
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 356088
- Published: 25.03.2025
- Updated: 25.03.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Galas Nekretnine
- Neighborhood: Savski Venac
- Price: 229,000€
- Square footage: 54m²
Credit calculator
Savski Venac, Beograd, Srbija
Savski Venac is located in the center of Belgrade and is one of its oldest municipalities. The settlement has over 40,000 inhabitants. There is a city train and bus station in it, so all passengers coming to or from Belgrade must pass through Savski Venac. Thanks to the proximity of the old town and the Kalemegdan Fortress, the first Belgrade cafes, hospitals, shops, ministries, and theaters appeared in this settlement. In the foundation there are unavoidable city districts such as Zeleni Venac and Slavija. The settlement is composed of several neighborhoods, among which are: Dedinje, Savamala, Topčider, Jatagan mala, etc. Savski Venac has a large number of various properties on offer. If you like life in a diplomatic settlement full of magnificent villas and luxury houses of public figures, you will choose Dedinje, if you want a beautiful view from luxury villas and apartments from Topčiderski brdo, you will choose Senjak, and if you prefer luxury and modern apartments on the Sava bank, you will look for them in modern a complex by the river in Savamala.