Two Bedroom Apartment for Sale, 63m2, Zemun Gornji Grad, Zemun, Beograd
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Prodajemo odličan dvosoban stan površine 63,46m2 na visokom prizemlju Lamele 1 stambeno-poslovnog objekta koji se gradi u Zemunu, u Banatskoj ulici, u neposrednoj blizini Dunava, Pupinovog mosta, Autoputa E-75, ulice Cara Dušana.
Ovaj stan pruža odličnu funkcionalnost i mogućnost prilagođavanja vašim potrebama. Orijentisan je ka zapadu, što znači da uživa u obilju prirodne svetlosti tokom popodnevnih sati. Sastoji se od prostranog ulaza, kupatila i dodatnog wc-a, komforne spavaće sobe, trpezarije, dnevne sobe, kuhinje i terase.
Dodatna prednost ovog stana je fleksibilnost rasporeda – postoji mogućnost formiranja dvoiposobnog stana jednostavnom prenamenom trpezarije u dodatnu spavaću sobu površine oko 8m², čime se prostor optimalno koristi za porodični život ili izdavanje.
Udobnost, praktičnost i potencijal za prilagođavanje čine ovaj stan odličnim izborom!
Garažna mesta se nalaze na dve etaže -1 i -2, površina su od 12.5m2-preko 20m2 i njihova cena u ovom momentu je 1.100€/m² sa PDV-om za nivo -2 i 1.200€/m² za nivo -1.
Prikazana cena stana je za 100% gotovinsko plaćanje. Opcije plaćanja: 80%-20% cena je 2600€/m² sa Pdv-om, 20%-80% cena je 2850€/m² sa PDV-om.
Mogućnost kupovine stanova putem stambenih kredita kod svih banaka. Rok završetka radova jun 2025.godine.
Kupci Divis nekretnina doo NE PLAĆAJU agencijsku proviziju za stanove, lokale i garažna mesta u objektu Zemona NOVA.
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 351291
- Published: 12.03.2025
- Updated: 12.03.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Divisnekretnine
- Mediator ID: 0
- Neighborhood: Zemun Gornji Grad
- Price: 161,800€
- Square footage: 63m²
Credit calculator
Zemun Gornji Grad, Zemun Sve Podlokacije, Beograd, Srbija
Zemun is a Belgrade municipality that territorially expands to the west and southwest and is connected with New Belgrade. With its 120,000 inhabitants, the settlement is one of the largest industrial centers in Serbia. It consists of 4 urban units: Zemun, Zemun field, Batajnica, and the Thirteenth of May. The first evidence of non-settlement dates back to the early Neolithic, when people lived in pits - dugouts, after which it is assumed that the settlement got its name. In addition to numerous parks, an unavoidable destination in Zemun is the Park - quay or promenade that stretches along the banks of the Danube. Living in Zemun means living the history of the city with its stories about alas, cobblestones, the fusion of old and new. It is recognized on the tourist map as a nautical, gastronomic, cultural, and sports destination. There is a constant high demand for real estate in Zemun, and given the small supply, provide yourself with an apartment on the coast in time with an unforgettable view of the Danube or an old house for renovation next to the cobbled roads in the old town.