Two Bedroom Apartment for Sale, 116m2, Novi Beograd Blok 21, Novi Beograd, Beograd
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Prodajemo odličan, petosoban stan kompletno renoviran u samom srcu grada u neposrednoj blizini Ateljea 212, nalazi se na prvom spratu kvalitetno građene zgrade sa liftom iz 60-ih godina. Idealan za sve koji žele da žive u samom centru grada.
Stan je trostrano orijentisan i sastoji se od ulaznog dela, antrea, dnevne sobe, odvojene kuhinje sa prirodnom ventilacijom i ostavom, kupatila, četiri prostrane spavaće sobe i toaleta. U stanu je nova PVC stolarija sa odličnom zvučnom i termoizolacijom. Lociran u samom centru grada, sa blizinom glavnih kulturnih, istorijskih, poslovnih centara i institucija.
Stan je pogodan kako za stanovanje, tako i za investiciju (izdavanje).
Stan je uknjižen 1/1 na vlasnika na 116m2, dok mereno ima više.
Za svaku preporuku!
Posrednička naknada je u skladu sa Opštim uslovima poslovanja Posrednika "DIVIS NEKRETNINE" d.o.o.
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 324280
- Published: 28.12.2024
- Updated: 28.12.2024
- Real Estate Ad published by: Divisnekretnine
- Mediator ID: 0
- Neighborhood: Novi Beograd Blok 21
- Price: 255,000€
- Square footage: 116m²
Credit calculator
Novi Beograd Blok 21, Novi Beograd Sve Podlokacije, Beograd, Srbija
Novi Beograd is located on the left bank of the Sava, northwest of the Old Town. Of all the Belgrade municipalities in this settlement, there is the largest green area - Ušće Park located at the confluence of the Sava and the Danube. Novi Beograd was built after World War II and was an example of European modernist architecture. It is a combination of the business center of the city with the headquarters of many foreign companies, luxury hotels, business premises, and entertainment center that offers young people an unforgettable nightlife on some of the many rafts or drink a morning cappuccino while walking along the quay. And shopping lovers will not be disappointed. There are many branded boutiques, cinemas, restaurants in one of the largest shopping centers in the region - Usce and Delta. If you decide to buy an apartment in one of the apartment blocks or in one of the many monumental buildings - New Belgrade is the right solution for you. . In it you will find a large offer of cocoa apartments and flats of all kinds and modern business premises.