Two Bedroom Apartment for Rent, 64m2, Južni Bulevar, Vračar, Beograd
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Izdaje se dvoiposoban, potpuno namešten stan površine 64 m2, smešten na 1. spratu stambene zgrade novije gradnje sa liftom. Nalazi se na početku Južnog bulevara, na odličnoj lokaciji sa svim potrebnim sadržajima u neposrednoj blizini.
Struktura stana:
- Dnevni boravak sa trpezarijom (open space koncept)
- Dve zasebno odvojene sobe
- Kupatilo
- Hodnik iz kojeg se ulazi u sve prostorije
- Zastakljena terasa
Stan je moderno opremljen i odmah useljiv. U cenu zakupa uključeno je i garažno mesto u sklopu zgrade, sa direktnim ulazom sa ulice i daljinskim otvaranjem garažnih vrata.
Dodatne pogodnosti:
- Centralno grejanje
- Klima uređaj
- Telefon i internet
- Kablovska TV
- Interfon
- Lift
- Garaža
Stan se izdaje isključivo na duži vremenski period, uz obavezan depozit.
Za više informacija i zakazivanje termina za razgledanje, slobodno nas kontaktirajte!
Agencijska provizija iznosi 50% od prve zakupnine.
ID oglasa: 51779
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 354800
- Published: 21.03.2025
- Updated: 21.03.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Alfa Sistem Nekretnine
- Mediator ID: 1834
- Neighborhood: Južni Bulevar
- Price: 750€
- Square footage: 64m²
Južni Bulevar, Vračar Sve Podlokacije, Beograd, Srbija
Vračar is the smallest and most densely populated municipality in Belgrade. It is located in the center of Belgrade with its 80,000 inhabitants. It was named after the word sorcerer which means doctor. It consists of the following neighborhoods: Crveni Krst, Englezovac, Istočni Vračar, Grantovac, Neimar, Cvetni Ttg, Gradić Pejton, Kalenić, Savinac, Čubura, Krunski Venac and Slavija. In the settlement, on the place where the Turks burned the relics of Saint Sava, a temple was built which became a symbol of Serbian Orthodoxy - the temple of Saint Sava. Near the temple is the National Library of Serbia with about 4 million books. There is also Kalenić Pjaca in the settlement, which is one of the oldest green squares. A great attraction are the numerous cafes that were a favorite meeting place for writers, poets and Belgrade bohemians. All these attributes make Vračar one of the most attractive and sought-after locations for buying real estate in Belgrade.