Two Bedroom Apartment for Rent, 59m2, Beograd Na Vodi, Beograd
Beograd Na Vodi, Beograd, Srbija
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U ponudi je nov, neuseljavan, dvosoban stan, u poslednjoj fazi opremanja, uz mogućnost dogovora, poseduje odvojenu spavaću sobu. Garažno mesto uračunato je u cenu.
Veoma lepa i kvalitetna zgrada BW Eterna, u okviru projekta Beograd na vodi, koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini Savskog parka. U izgradnji Eterne su korišćeni kvalitetni materijali, kao i u finalnoj obradi - višeslojni parket, porcelanske pločice u kupatilima i kuhinjama, veliki prozori preko kojih se obezbeđuje prozračnost i osvetljenost prostorija. Sve sobe su klimatizovane pomoću multisplit sistema. Velika prednost je veliko uređeno zajedničko dvorište sa igralištem za decu, ali i prostorom za odmor, koje se nalazi između dva krila zgrade.
Agencijska provizija se plaća u iznosu od 50% + PDV dogovorene jednomesečne zakupnine za period zakupa u trajanju do 12 meseci
ID oglasa: 23741.Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 334622
- Published: 31.01.2025
- Updated: 31.01.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Eminent Nekretnine
- Neighborhood: Beograd Na Vodi
- Price: 1,150€
- Square footage: 59m²
Beograd Na Vodi, Beograd, Srbija
Belgrade is the capital and most populated city of the state of Serbia. It is also the economic, trade, cultural and traffic center of the country. It lies at the estuary of the Sava and the Dunav, connecting the Pannonian Plain with the Balkan Peninsula. The Sava River divides it into two parts, New and Old Belgrade. The architecture of the city is diverse. If you are a fan of the old town you can find a wide range of apartments and beautiful houses, if you want modern buildings New Belgrade is the right place for your home, or you want an apartment near parks the right solution for you are Kalemegdan, Kosutnjak, Tasmajdan, Usce, Ada Ciganlija or cottage on Avala. Belgrade is the best choice in the countries of the region when it comes to nightlife. Visitors from all over Europe do not miss to spend the weekend in Belgrade because of great clubs on rafts, parties all year round, national food in elite restaurants and beautiful neighborhoods