Office Space for Sale, 2542m2, Centar, Podgorica
Centar, Podgorica, Crna Gora
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Bruto povrsina objekta : 2542 m2
Tehničke karakteristike objekta
Staklena fasada je izrađena u sistemu CS 77 belgijskog proizvođača REYNAERS koji sadrži HP SUNGUARD NEUTRAL staklo od poda do plafona koje pruža visoke performanse kada su u pitanju toplotna i zvučna izolacija.
Pored toga objekat posjeduje dizel električni agregat (DEA) projektovan da napaja kompletan objekat.
Kompletan objekat je pokriven sistemom ozvučenja koje se može podijeliti u 8 odvojenih zona.
Zajednički prostori su pokriveni video nadzorom koji omogućava praćenje i snimanje video materijala 24h dnevno, 365 dana u godini.
U objektu se nalazi kartični sistem pristupa koji je takođe instaliran na jednom od liftova.
U garaži se nalaze 3 ostave koje se mogu koristiti za potrebe zakupca.
Objekat posjeduje 2 lifta brenda KONE čiji je ukupni kapacitet 15 osoba.
Postoji mogućnost otvaranja dodatnih vrata na prizemlju.
Oko objekta se nalazi zelena površina koja se može koristiti od strane zakupca.
Garaža je kapaciteta 18 vozila uz dodatna dva vozila za lica sa posebnim potrebama.
Spratna visina kancelarija na I i II spratu je 3.7m dok je na III spratu 2.7
Za vise informacija , pozovote broj +38267 33 73 72 ili posjetite nas web sajt
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 350799
- Published: 11.03.2025
- Updated: 11.03.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: MATnekretnine Montenegro
- Neighborhood: Centar
- Price: 7,800,000€
- Square footage: 2,542m²
Credit calculator
Centar, Podgorica, Crna Gora
The center of Podgorica is a prestigious place for housing as well as for investing in apartments and business premises. The center is dominated by Republic Square ,and nearby is Hercegovačka Street, which is known for its shops and boutiques. North of the city center there is the stadium of the football club "Budućnost", behind which is the largest picnic area and promenade hill "Gorica". Most of the buildings date from the period of post-war reconstruction, while more and more new and modern buildings are springing up on the foundations of old houses. The Hilton Hotel is also located in the center. The natural border on the west side is the river Morača and on the north is the hill Gorica. Numerous facilities and a tidy environment with a fountain and a square where many events are held throughout the year make the center comfortable for family life.