Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi

Herceg Novi, Crna Gora

1,000 €
  •  Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi
  •  Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi
  •  Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi
  •  Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi
  •  Office Space for Sale, 106m2, Herceg Novi
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Smješten u srcu Herceg Novog, ovaj izuzetan poslovni prostor nudi idealnu priliku za poslovne poduhvate u jednom od najživopisnijih gradova Crne Gore. Nekretnina se nalazi na glavnim stepenicama koje povezuju gradsku luku i gradski trg, osiguravajući visoku vidljivost i promet kako od lokalnog stanovništva, tako i od turista. Poslovni prostor prostire se na 106 kvadratnih metara, pružajući dovoljno prostora za razne poslovne aktivnosti. Uz unutrašnji prostor, tu je i bašta površine 100 kvadratnih metara, idealna za stvaranje prijatne vanjske atmosfere. Bez obzira na to da li će se koristiti kao kafić, restoran, butik ili poslovni prostor, raspored nekretnine nudi fleksibilnost za različite poslovne potrebe. Pozicioniran u užurbanom centru Herceg Novog, prostor ima prednost svoje strateške lokacije unutar živopisne zajednice. Blizina gradske luke i glavnog trga osigurava stalnu aktivnost i interakciju, što ga čini vrlo poželjnim mjestom za poslovanje. Ovaj poslovni prostor predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za osiguranje istaknutog mjesta u jednom od najpoželjnijih priobalnih odredišta Crne Gore. Kombinacija centralne lokacije, prostranog prostora i vanjskog dijela pruža odličan temelj za uspješno poslovanje u srcu Herceg Novog.

Basic characteristics

Reference ID: 344742
External ID: 1057
  • Reference ID: 344742
  • Published: 25.02.2025
  • Updated: 25.02.2025
  • Real Estate Ad published by: Baza Properties
  • City: Herceg Novi
  • Price: 1,000€
  • Square footage: 106m²

Credit calculator

1,000.00 € 500,000.00 €
120 months 360 months
20% *
* Credit calculator should only be used in informative manner. For accurate, more detailed information, please contact your loan officer.
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0.00 €
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2.00 €
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Herceg Novi, Crna Gora

Herceg Novi is a coastal town in Montenegro located at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor below the mountain Orjen. Many consider it the most beautiful city on the Adriatic coast. The municipality of Herceg Novi has about 39,000 inhabitants, while 13,000 live in the narrower part of the city. With its favorable Mediterranean climate, dry and warm summers and mild winters, Herceg Novi has many sunny days a year with an average summer temperature of 25 degrees. Due to the ideal sea temperature (22-26 degrees), the swimming season lasts over 4 months. Thanks to the unique Mediterranean vegetation, Herceg Novi has beautiful parks. Many writers and poets stayed in Herceg Novi, so it is also known as the city of poets. Ivo Andrić, Aleksa šantić, Mihajlo Lalić, Sima Matavulj found their inspiration here. Numerous cultural and historical monuments were created as a result of the change of cultures throughout its history. Savina Monastery located in the city is one of the most beautiful representatives of Baroque architecture on the Adriatic coast. In the architectural range In Herceg Novi, you can also find buildings from the Byzantine, Gothic and Venetian styles. The city is known for the number of fortifications and towers, among which the most famous are: Španjola built in the 15th and 16th centuries which got its name from its Spanish builders during its short reign, Kani Kula- famous prison from the time of Turks built in the 16th century, Sat tower from the 17th century, Kula Sv. Jerome also from the 17th century, Fote Mare - a fortress built from the 14th to the 17th century and the Citadel fortress from the time of Venetian rule. In addition to historical sights, the city has numerous modern villas and luxury hotels. In Herceg Novi you can find real estate that suits everyone's taste. Well, will it be an apartment with a sea view or a villa on the beach?

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