House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat

1,800,000 €
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
  •  House for Sale, 187m2, Bogišići, Tivat
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Start creating the greatest memories of your life - RIGHT HERE! This is where your search ends and the next exciting chapter of your life begins! Come and see this inviting, newly renovated house that sits peacefully alongside sea. With about 200m2 of ponta and a captivating view of St. Marko and beautiful mountains, this is the kind of home you’ll never want to leave. Built in the late-1890’s and fully renovated recently, this house brings the heritage of early Mediterranean to life with all the finest conveniences today’s technology has to offer. There are no many house like this by the sea. The benefit of this house are big ponta, a berth for your boat, terraces on the back house with beautiful garden. On the first level there is an apartment of 71m2 and on the second level two duplexes of 51m2 and 56m2.There is an auxiliary house of 30m2 outside. With all new appliances, windows, fixtures, interior décor and a fully furnished main floor, this home will make it easier than ever to invite your family and friends over! Stop wondering where the house of your dreams is - it's sitting right in front of you! This house is move-in ready! -------- Počnite da stvarate najljepše uspomene u svom životu - OVDJE! Ovdje se vaša potraga završava i počinje sledeće uzbudljivo poglavlje vašeg života! Dođite i pogledajte ovu privlačnu, novouređenu kuću koja se nalazi u miru uz more. Sa oko 200m2 ponte i zadivljujućim pogledom na Sv. Marko i prelijepe planine, ovo je dom iz kojeg nikada nećete poželeti da napustite. Izgrađena kasnih 1890-ih i nedavno potpuno renovirana, ova kuća oživljava nasleđe ranog Mediterana sa svim najboljim pogodnostima koje današnja tehnologija može da ponudi. Ovakve kuće pored mora nema mnogo. Prednost ove kuće su velika ponta, vez za vaš brod, terase na zadnjoj kući sa prelijepom baštom. Na prvom nivou je stan od 71m2 a na drugom dva dupleksa od 51m2 i 56m2. Napolju je pomoćna kuća od 30m2. Sa svim novim uređajima, prozorima, opremom, unutrašnjim dekorom i potpuno opremljenim glavnim spratom, ovaj dom će olakšati nego ikada da pozovete svoju porodicu i prijatelje! Prestanite da se pitate gdje je kuća vaših snova - ona ​​sjedi ispred vas! Ova kuća je spremna za useljenje! ----------- Начните создавать лучшие воспоминания в своей жизни - ПРЯМО ЗДЕСЬ! На этом ваши поиски заканчиваются и начинается следующая захватывающая глава вашей жизни! Приезжайте и посмотрите на этот привлекательный, недавно отремонтированный дом, который мирно расположен на берегу моря. Около 200 м2 понта и захватывающий вид на Св. Марко и красивые горы, это тот дом, который вам никогда не захочется покидать. Построенный в конце 1890-х годов и недавно полностью отремонтированный, этот дом воплощает в жизнь наследие раннего Средиземноморья со всеми лучшими удобствами, которые могут предложить современные технологии. Таких домов у моря немного. Преимущества этого дома: большая понта, причал для лодки, террасы на заднем дворе с красивым садом. На первом уровне находится квартира площадью 71 м2, а на втором уровне два дуплекса площадью 51 м2 и 56 м2.Снаружи есть вспомогательный дом площадью 30 м2. Со всеми новыми приборами, окнами, сантехникой, внутренним декором и полностью меблированным первым этажом в этом доме будет проще, чем когда-либо, пригласить свою семью и друзей! Перестаньте задаваться вопросом, где находится дом вашей мечты - он сидит прямо перед вами! Этот дом готов к заселению! ----------- Fangen Sie an, die schönsten Erinnerungen Ihres Lebens zu schaffen – genau hier! Hier endet Ihre Suche und das nächste aufregende Kapitel Ihres Lebens beginnt! Kommen Sie und sehen Sie sich dieses einladende, neu renovierte Haus an, das friedlich am Meer liegt. Mit ca. 200m2 Ponta und einem fesselnden Blick auf St. Marko und wunderschöne Berge, das ist die Art von Zuhause, die Sie nie verlassen möchten. In den späten 1890er Jahren erbaut und kürzlich vollständig renoviert, erweckt dieses Haus das Erbe des frühen Mittelmeerraums zum Leben, mit all den besten Annehmlichkeiten, die die heutige Technologie zu bieten hat. Es gibt nicht viele Häuser wie dieses am Meer. Die Vorteile dieses Hauses sind große Ponta, ein Liegeplatz für Ihr Boot, Terrassen am Hinterhaus mit schönem Garten. Auf der ersten Ebene befindet sich eine Wohnung von 71 m2 und auf der zweiten Ebene zwei Maisonetten von 51 m2 und 56 m2 sowie ein Nebenhaus von 30 m2 im Außenbereich. Mit allen neuen Geräten, Fenstern, Einrichtungsgegenständen, Innenausstattung und einem komplett eingerichteten Erdgeschoss wird es dieses Haus einfacher denn je machen, Ihre Familie und Freunde einzuladen! Hören Sie auf, sich zu fragen, wo das Haus Ihrer Träume ist - es sitzt direkt vor Ihnen! Dieses Haus ist bezugsfertig! ------------- Hayatınızın en güzel anılarını yaratmaya başlayın - TAMAMEN BURADA! Burası arayışınızın bittiği ve hayatınızın bir sonraki heyecan verici bölümünün başladığı yer! Gelin ve deniz kenarında huzur içinde oturan bu davetkar, yakın zamanda yenilenmiş evi görün. Yaklaşık 200m2 ponta ve büyüleyici St. Marko ve güzel dağlar, bu asla ayrılmak istemeyeceğiniz türden bir ev. 1890'ların sonlarında inşa edilen ve yakın zamanda tamamen yenilenen bu ev, günümüz teknolojisinin sunduğu en iyi kolaylıklarla erken Akdeniz mirasını hayata geçiriyor. Deniz kenarında bunun gibi pek çok ev yok. Bu evin faydaları büyük ponta, tekneniz için bir yatak, güzel bahçeli arka evde teraslar. Birinci katta 71m2'lik bir daire, ikinci katta ise 51m2 ve 56m2'lik iki dubleks.Dışarıda 30m2'lik bir yardımcı ev bulunmaktadır. Tüm yeni cihazlar, pencereler, armatürler, iç dekor ve tam donanımlı ana zemin ile bu ev, ailenizi ve arkadaşlarınızı davet etmeyi her zamankinden daha kolay hale getirecek! Hayallerinizdeki evin nerede olduğunu merak etmeyi bırakın - tam önünüzde oturuyor! Bu ev taşınmaya hazır!

Basic characteristics

Reference ID: 258326
External ID: 727


  • Reference ID: 258326
  • Published: 21.06.2024
  • Updated: 21.06.2024
  • Real Estate Ad published by: Sea Realty
  • Address: Bogišići, Tivat, Montenegro
  • City: Bogišići
  • Price: 1,800,000€
  • Square footage: 187m2

Bogišići, Tivat, Crna Gora

Tivat is a coastal Montenegrin town, located in the Bay of Kotor. It is placed in the sunniest part of Boka, which was named Tivat Bay after the city. The first sources about the origin of the city state that a summer house of the Illyrian queen Teuta from the III century BC was located here. In the city, there is a city park with an area of ​​4 hectares and the largest botanical garden on the southern Adriatic. Tivat does not have a center of the city like other similar cities - instead - people gather on the promenade, called "Pine", which is a pleasant place for a walk along the coast, close to the marina and a large number of cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, and hotels. In the summer months, cafes turn into nightclubs with fun that lasts until dawn. Tivat has many restaurants, where you can try Mediterranean specialties based on local recipes. Of the more significant buildings, the villa "Buća" stands out, a combination of Gothic and Renaissance architecture, in the garden of which many events are held today, from literary evenings, exhibitions to concerts are. One of the biggest tourist attractions is the Island of Flowers, the beautiful beach Plavi Horizonti known for its pines and olive trees along the beach that provide protection from the sun to the bathers. Thanks to a large number of sunny days a year, warm sea, and a large number of beaches, Tivat is one of the largest tourist destinations in Montenegro. In Tivat, there is also a nautical resort - Porto Montenegro, which has a luxury marina for yachts. In addition to the marina, it contains luxury apartments, a 5-star hotel, business premises, boutiques with branded goods, modern cafes, and restaurants. Tivat has excellent traffic connections thanks to the airport in close proximity to the city and the main roads leading to all major cities of Montenegro and the neighboring state of Croatia. Buying a property in Tivat promises a good investment for renting.

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