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Izdaje se poslovni prostor u centru grada, u zgradi gde se nalazi klinika Zejnilović.
Površina: 40 m²
Prizemlje, sa pogodnim ulazom i rampom
Prostor ima velika panoramska stakla
Visina plafona: 3,5 m
Poseduje sopstveni toalet
Iznajmljuje se bez nameštaja
Prostor je idealan za kancelariju, banku ili apoteku. Nije pogodan za pekaru, kafić ili igraonice.
Poslovni prostor je smešten na bulevaru sa velikom pešačkom i automobilskom prometom.
Cena zakupa: 800 € mesečno. Uslovi: prvi mesec, poslednji mesec + depozit.
Pored ovog prostora, izdaje se i susedni prostor od 67 m².
Ukoliko vas zanima neka nekretnina molim vas posaljite mi link na Viber aplikaciji. Moj broj telefona je +38267360067 i vraticu vam se sa odgovorom u najkracem mogucem roku. Radno vrijeme nase kancelarije je od ponedeljka do petka od 9 ujutro do 4 popodne. Nalazimo blizu Crvene Banke u redu gdje je North Restoran. Mozete nas naci na google mapama:
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 293705
- Published: 02.10.2024
- Updated: 19.12.2024
- Real Estate Ad published by: Albatros Real Estate
- Neighborhood: Centar
- Price: 800€
- Square footage: 40m²
Centar, Bar, Crna Gora
The geographical position of the city is between the Adriatic Sea and Skadar Lake. With 270 sunny days a year, Bar is one of the sunniest cities in Europe. It is surrounded by high mountains Rumija, Sutorman and Lisinj. Due to the ideal sea temperature which reaches 26 degrees during hot days, long and warm summers, and beaches with a total length of 9km, Bar is one of the main tourist destinations in Montenegro. The old part of Bar mentioned in documents from the IX century with its beautiful panorama of the whole city and an unforgettable sea view is one of the many tourist attractions of the Bar municipality. At the entrance to the old town is the oldest olive tree in the world, between 2000 and 2500 years old. Of the numerous events that take place in Bar, the biggest are: days of wine and bleak, Bar Chronicle, olive grove, bone festival and meetings under the old olive tree. Going west you come to the small town of Sutomore located along a long beautiful sandy beach with a number of hotels, restaurants and cafes.