Three Bedroom Apartment for Rent, 150m2, Zabjelo, Podgorica
Zabjelo, Podgorica, Crna Gora
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Lokacija stana: Zabjelo, Podgorica
Površina stana: 150m2
Spavaćih soba: 3
Sprat: 2
Lift: Ima
Izdaje se luksuzno opremljen trosoban stan na 2. i 3. spratu kuće, površine 150m2. U mjesečnu kiriju od 1000e uključeni su svi troškovi (struja, voda, komunalije, internet i TV).
Stan je duplex – na prvom nivou je hodnik, cipelar, malo kupatilo, dnevna soba, trpezarija i kuhinja, kao i veliki zatvoreni balkon sa teretanom. U dnevnoj sobi je invertorska klima. U kuhinji je veliki frižider, mašina za suđe. Stan ima podno grijanje na cijelom donjem nivou i u dijelu gornjeg nivoa.
Na gornjem nivou se nalaze 3 spavaće sobe i kupatilo. Prva spavaća soba ima francuski ležaj, klimu, balkon sjeverne orijentacije, kao i veliki plakar sa ogledalom. U drugim sobama se nalaze kreveti samci, ormari. U kupatilu je tuš kabina i mašine za pranje i sušenje veša. U gornjem hodniku se nalazi joše jedna klima 18-ica koja grije/hladi dvije manje spavaće sobe. Podno grijanje se prostire po hodniku i kupatilu.
Stan se izdaje na duži vremenski period uz obavezan depozit.
ID nekretnine M415a
+382 69 618 445
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 329910
- Published: 23.01.2025
- Updated: 23.01.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Stellar Nekretnine
- Neighborhood: Zabjelo
- Price: 900€
- Square footage: 150m²
Zabjelo, Podgorica, Crna Gora
Zabjelo is a district located in the southern part of Podgorica, south of Ljubović hill and west of 4. July street. In the early 60s and 70s, the architecture that was represented in that settlement was typical for that period and consisted mainly of low residential buildings. Later in the 90s, there was a construction boom in Zabjelo, so that the population doubled over a period of about 20 years. A large number of residential and business buildings were built on the location of the Ljubović hill towards the boulevard on March 27. with a large offer of apartments and business premises that are newly constructed and at affordable prices. Zabjelo is currently one of the most desirable locations for housing due to its excellent location and low real estate prices. There are two primary schools in the neighborhood (Oktoih and Vuk Karadzic), a school for children with special needs "June 1st", two kindergartens, several supermarkets, sports clubs - which makes it comfortable for raising children. Ljubović hill, with its forest and walking paths, is an ideal place to go out with a pet. Numerous objects of trade, service, and catering activities make life in the settlement pleasant for family life.