One Bedroom Apartment for Rent, 56m2, Stara Varoš, Podgorica
Stara Varoš, Podgorica, Crna Gora
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Izdaje se neuseljavan, luksuzno opremljen veći jednosoban stan površine 56m2, sa pripadajućom ostavom u sklopu cijene, prominentna lokacija-nova zgrada u Staroj Varoši, idealna uvezanost sa svim djelovima grada. Stan je kompletno opremljen kvalitetnim novim namještajem i aparatima, useljiv odmah. Zgrada ima redovno održavan ulaz pokriven video-nadzorom, lift i javni parking prostor. Maksimum dvije osobe u stanu, kućni ljubimci strogo zabranjeni. Najam na minimum godinu dana uz obavezan depozit i prvu mjesečnu kiriju prilikom potpisivanja Ugovora o zakupu. Za više informacija obratite nam se putem vibera ili whatssupa.
Basic characteristics
- Reference ID: 328887
- Published: 20.01.2025
- Updated: 21.01.2025
- Real Estate Ad published by: Ena
- Neighborhood: Stara Varoš
- Price: 650€
- Square footage: 56m²
Stara Varoš, Podgorica, Crna Gora
Stara Varoš is the oldest settlement in Podgorica, located on the banks of the river Ribnica. It got its name after the part of the city on the other side of the river Ribnica called Nova Varoš was constructed (80s of the nineteenth century). The settlement dates back to the period of Ottoman rule (1474) when Podgorica was conquered. There are two mosques here that serve as a monument from the Ottoman period. Of the historical monuments, the Clock Tower from the 17th century is also significant. Although located in the center of the city, Stara Varos has retained the architecture of small compact family houses with narrow streets. If you want to feel the charm of old Podgorica, buying a house for renovation is the right solution.